Photo of David Flavin

When I left full time education, I spent thirteen years teaching music, which I found extremely rewarding. It gave me a great understanding of the different ways in which people learn and retain information and sparked my interest into how the brain works. During this time I still had a desire for learning myself, and sought further qualifications in an eclectic mix of accounting, computing and nutrition.

In 2005, my desire to help people led me to a change of career into the emergency services. After spending 10 years in stressful situations, I was offered a course of Cognitive Behaviour Therapy which is where I first became interested in REBT.

REBT was hugely beneficial for me, and my curiosity and passion for learning led me to find out more, so I enrolled on an initial course in CBT and REBT. Three years later I qualified as an integrative CBT/REBT therapist, accredited with the National Counselling Society.

I now have the pleasure and privilege of seeing clients achieving the same positive changes in their own lives that I did, enabling them to live a healthier and happier life.  

Relevant Qualifications

Diploma in CBT/REBT
Advanced Diploma in CBT/REBT
Advanced Diploma in Integrative Therapies I
Advanced Diploma in Integrative Therapies II – Hypnotherapy and Psychodynamic theories


I am an accredited member of the National Counselling Society (NCS). All members of the NCS are considered to be safe, competent and ethical. In line with their guidelines, I have regular supervision and commit to regular continued professional development.

Further Training

Mental Health First Aid – MHFA England
Single Session Therapy – Windy Dryden and CCBT
Understanding ADHD – Current Research and Practice – Kings College London